Tag Archives: DSNE

Have you Signed up for Digital Signage Certification Training Yet?

The “live” versions of the Digital Signage Experts Group’s Certification classes are being taught again this year at Digital Signage Expo (DSE – for those of us hooked on acronyms).  DSE is being held at the Las Vegas Convention Center from March 27th through March 30th.  Here is the link for the online registration to […]

Why Get Certified? DSEG Certifications at DSE 2017

In today’s increasingly competitive workplace, there are numerous benefits to industry certifications. Certifications have taken on a life of their own in medical, legal, architectural, audiovisual and IT industries. It has become an essential part of hiring, job skills training, personal development and advancement. The Digital Signage Federation, the Digital Signage Expo, and numerous manufacturers, […]

Digital Signage Networking – an interesting conundrum

According to Wikipedia – Networking is a socioeconomic business activity by which business people and entrepreneurs meet to form business relationships and to recognize, create, or act upon business opportunities, share information and seek potential partners for ventures. The online service also defines A computer network or data network as a telecommunications network which allows […]