Digital Signage Certification – A Value Proposition

So here is the question I have for you: How serious are you about making sure you are thought of as an expert in designing, implementing, managing and supporting digital signage networks? If the answer is, very serious, I’ll get to you in a minute… If your answer is I know everything I need to know, I’d like to chat with you now.

Hospitality 1I would argue that the most constant development in the digital signage industry is the certainty of change. If you were involved in digital signage in 1998, before it was called digital signage, you would remember the simple signage that existed in a few industries. The content was most often a series of images on a flat panel screen that would loop through a simple playlist. Today, there are thousands of digital signage networks displaying on everything from smart phones to outdoor billboards to video walls of immense proportions. Diversity in messaging abounds. The need for the savvy industry supplier is to demonstrate his proficiency in understanding his customer’s goals and objectives and being able to assist them in building a network to deliver those objectives is greater than ever.

The goal here is to understand what really makes digital signage work, at every level. And, since it is constantly changing, the need to know new information about all of the elements that go into a digital signage deployment is critical. That’s where Digital Signage Certification comes in.

Getting back to my first paragraph, for those serious about becoming experts in designing, implementing, managing and supporting digital signage networks, here is where Digital Signage Certification comes in for you.

Today, the Digital Signage Experts Group (DSEG) has four courses designed to educate and prepare you for becoming an expert in the digital signage industry. These courses are endorsed by the Digital Signage Federation (DSF), the International Sign Association (ISA), Digital Signage Expo (DSE) and many other manufacturers and suppliers in the digital signage space.  See the DSEG Partner Page for a compete list of supporting partners.

The four courses, Digital Signage Certified Expert (DSCE), Digital Signage Content & Media Expert (DCME), Digital Signage Display Expert (DSDE) and Digital Signage Networking Expert (DSNE) will all be given live at Digital Signage Expo in Las Vegas in March. The challenge you will have is how to be in more than one place at a time since two the of the courses are held on Tuesday (DSCE & DSDE) and the other two (DCME & DSNE) on Friday.

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Want to make sure you end up knowing all that you can know – we suggest you sign up and take the DSCE and DCME courses online either at the Digital Signage Expert Group site or on the Digital Signage Federation site – you can save $$ if you are a member of DSF. You can then sign up to take the DSDE and the DSNE courses live at the show. Make sense to you? That way, in just a few short weeks you can be completely brought up to date on the latest technologies and trends affecting digital signage and its acceptance in 2016. Looking forward to seeing you certified.

Want more information to make sure digital signage is a practice for you – spend ½ hour listening to our Digital Signage 101 – The Basics webinar on our web site today.

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